Current mental healthcare service


The DocuMentalCare clinic decided that people with mental health problems need much faster and better quality support than the traditional mental health care system had been offering so far. This became possible due to use of DocuMental – the evidence-based digital diagnostic and treatment platform, which follows the guidelines of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).



The DocuMentalCare clinic allows you to receive high-quality mental health care quickly and delicately via video consultations and convenient instant messaging with our specialists.


Book Your Tele-appointment

Select your doctor and book the tele-appointment. You will receive a link for tele-appointment, which will take place via secured and comfortable channel.

Book Your Appointment



Before your tele-appointment you will be offered to complete a self-assessment questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed by DocuMental international scientific committee to help understand your problem and to achieve better results.


During the tele-appointment our doctor will assess your problem and will make the treatment decision based on clinical guidelines implemented in DocuMental platform.


Medical Records

Medical Records

All documentation related to assessment and treatment plan will be uploaded to National Healthcare System (Digilugu) and available for your use.

Continuous Support

After the tele-appointment you will be provided continuous support by DocuMental Smart System, which will follow the treatment progress and requirements for further assessments.

Continuous Support

Services and prices

First Appointment (45 min - 105 EUR; 30 min - 70 EUR)

Taking into account previously received information, the video-consultation will include a thorough assessment of mental status, an ICD-10 based diagnosis and treatment in accordance with international treatment guidelines. Thanks to the use of DocuMental technology in diagnosis and treatment decisions, our doctors have enough time to focus on communicating with You and answering Your questions. The result of the appointment will be thoroughly documented, and, with Your consent, will be uploaded to Your personal account.

Follow-up Appointment (15 min - 35 EUR)

During the follow-up video-consultation, Your doctor will monitor the changes in Your condition following the treatment, carry out an additional assessment of your mental health status and adjust the treatment if necessary. In a supportive conversation, doctor will provide helpful advice for a better treatment outcome and answer any questions You may have.

Urgent appointment 140 EUR within 1-3 days (prior agreement by phone +372 5383 8889 or e-mail is required)


Prescription renewal 10 EUR



Important information!

DocuMentalCare clinic's doctors are happy and ready to help in a short time, but please note: due to high demand after confirming the booking and making the payment, the money is not refundable. By continuing the booking and making the payment, you confirm your agreement to these terms and conditions. If for any reason you are not able to attend your video-call at the appointed time, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will find another suitable time.

Choose a Doctor to Get Support

Eduard Maron
Dr Eduard Maron
Psychiatrist, Professor of psychopharmacology at University of Tartu, Visiting professor in Imperial College London

More than 20 years of clinical experience, 5 of them in UK. The author of more than 70 scientific publications.

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Margus Lõokene
Dr Margus Lõokene

More than 15 years of clinical experience. Specialized skills and knowledge in the treatment of mood disorders and the use of neuromodulatory therapies.

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Ülle Võhma
Dr Ülle Võhma
Psychiatrist, PhD

Long-term clinical experience in the field of depression and anxiety. Advanced training in cognitive behavioural therapy and family therapy.

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Sandra Sepp
Dr Sandra Sepp
Resident of psychiatry

A young doctor who graduated with cum laude from the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Tartu, and is currently pursuing the speciality of Psychiatrist in the Adult Psychiatry Residency Program.

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Aleksander Morar
Aleksander Morar
Resident of psychiatry

Graduated general practitioner and currently acquiring the profession of psychiatrist in the adult psychiatry residency program. Professional interest in the field of mood and anxiety disorders as well as ADHD.

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Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our services, or if you couldn’t find a suitable time. We will do our best to find a solution.